Our History

Austin Country Club was founded November 14, 1899 by Lewis Hancock, a man of more than ordinary vision. In those days country clubs and golf were practically unknown and we believe it correct to state that the Austin Golf Club (later to be renamed the Austin Country Club) was the first of its kind organized in Texas.
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The first clubhouse consisted of a small two-room, frame house with a porch across the entire front; the course was nine holes, and, as was the custom in early days, was constructed with sand greens.

Austin Country Club was originally chartered as Austin Golf Club. In 1905, when the club purchased property, the name changed to Austin Country Club. It later changed to Country Club of Austin and back to Austin Country Club.

In 1908, a brand new clubhouse was built – two stories, made entirely of wood, painted a brilliant red.

Hole 3, Austin Country Club at original Hancock location.

Harvey Penick graduated from Austin High School and became ACC's Head Golf Professional. Harvey's association with Austin Country Club spanned 82 years.
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On the early morning of Sunday, March 19, 1934 an Austin landmark went up in flames. The Club was insured for $12,000 and after the fire the club was left without funds and times were very hard. A new clubhouse was needed and a way was found to afford it. The University of Texas was tearing down old Main building and the used materials were available. Today the beautiful new clubhouse still stands, built entirely of brick and stone from Old Main.

Austin Country Club Ladies' Golf Association. Helen Penick, second from left standing.

Jimmy Demaret, Ben Hogan and Harvey Penick at Austin Country Club.

In 1949, needing more space, the Club moved to Riverside Drive in east Austin. The Austin American recorded the grand opening of the relocated "Country Club of Austin" on Friday, February 12, saying that it was "a dream come true for members…as the flood lights went on…in their new modernistic brick building."

Harvey Penick was named Professional Emeritus in 1971 when his son, Tinsley, succeeded him as Head Professional. Tinsley continued on as Head Professional until 1995 when he passed the torch on to current Austin Country Club Head Golf Professional Dale Morgan.

The Austin Country Club opened its new course on the beautiful 189.5 acre Davenport Ranch property on February 1, 1984.

In collaboration with Austin writer Bud Shrake, Harvey co-authored four instruction books with millions of copies sold, the number one and two all-time sports best sellers Harvey Penick's Little Red Book (1992); and his Little Green Book, And If You Play Golf, You're My Friend (1993); followed by For All who Love The Game (1995) and The Game for a Lifetime (1996), a work in progress at his death.

A statue of Harvey Penick and Tom Kite at the Austin Country Club was dedicated on April 2, 1995.

One hundred years later, nearly 1000 members of Austin Country Club and their families gathered to honor those intrepid founders, to recall a storied past and to embrace a promising future. The Clubhouse was divided into three separate areas, each representing a different era in the life of Austin Country Club, for The Party of the Century.

Austin Country Club became host of The World Golf Championships-Dell Technologies Match Play. The only one of the four annual World Golf Championships contested using match play format.

In 2018, the Texas Golf Hall of Fame designated Austin Country Club to the Texas Registry of Historic Golf Courses.

And the tradition continues…